How about my old-school .plan file for now?

         PGP Key:
     Fingerprint: AC6C C059 60DB 77F4 2DD3
                  CD02 4404 D8ED FE76 66B7

    "The road of excess
     leads to the palace of wisdom;
     for we never know
     what is enough
     until we know what is more than enough." - William Blake

    "Does a bee care what has happened to a flower when the bee has
     done and gone its way?" - Isaac Asimov

    "God is Mathematics. It makes the impossible possible. All the 
     numbers are probable, because they're eternal without end. It 
     has illuminated us with the greatest heavens of invention, and 
     binds us the world in which we live. Without mathematics, this 
     world would cease to exist, because it would have never 
     started." - Unknown

    "Nobody snuggles with Max Power. You strap yourself in and
     feel the G's!" - Max Power aka Homer Simpson